The focus of YDD’s Waste Treatment program is to develop and share appropriate technologies for solid and liquid waste treatment
Indonesia faces acute water pollution from the untreated waste water discharged by industries and households. Since the technologies utilized by industrialized countries are not feasible solutions for Indonesia, due to their cost and complex operations, appropriate technologies adapted to the socio-economic and socio-cultural conditions of Indonesia are needed.
The waste water technology center at Dian Desa works in collaboration with Japanese researchers from APEX (Asian People Exchange), to develop and diffuse appropriate technologies for waste water treatment.
Dian Desa has developed a number of waste water treatment systems for small industries, including fabric dyeing workshops, leather industries, food processing industries, hotels, and hospitals. Dian Desa also designs waste water treatment systems for individual household use.
Additionally, Dian Desa provides training and apprenticeship positions for the individuals in charge of maintaining the water treatment machinery.
The scope of activities of YDD’s Waste Treatment is as follows:
Although not limited to these examples, much of YDD’s experience with waste management in Indonesia applies to the waste management of hospitals (clinical waste), the tannery industry, food industry, textile & batik industry, and the hotel & tourism industry.
Local community organisation training with a focus on awareness raising and mobilising community participation
Training for the public and private sector, NGOs and University communities interested in waste treatment technology and waste management. Capacity building focuses more on problem solving as opposed to problem citing. Practical Field training – in this case, in addition to technical aspects, participants are also trained to understand and take into account the field reality such as social, cultural and financial dimensions of a community.
Lattices Three Dimensional RBC – developed by Apex and YDD. This very efficient technology is widely used in Indonesia for industrial and communal domestic waste treatment. RBC is also in use for hospital liquid waste treatment (above).
Example of YDD supported projects: Waste treatment system for a group of small food (tofu and tempe) industries in Central Java using UASB as primary treatment and RBC as secondary treatment.
Primary treatment for a group of tannery industries in Yogyakarta (above)
Combination of contact aeration and Palm Fiber RBC for small tannery (below left & middle). A waste treatment system developed by YDD for the Batik industry in Yogyakarta (below left). Liquid Waste treatment system for Leprosis hospital in Eastern Indonesia.
DD Best, a Clinical Waste Incinerator to manage medical waste from hospitals. This system is developed by YDD and appropriate for developing countries — and therefore, sustainable — as it is easy to operate and runs on biomass which is abundantly available. Hospital Liquid Waste Treatment in Ambon during construction. YDD is in charge of the technical design, implementation and capacity building for all hospitals in Ambon with support from UNDP and Dutch Government.